Group in Odd Numbers
Items grouped in odd numbers tend to be more visually appealing than those grouped in even numbers. If you think this sounds crazy, take a close look at these pictures. The displays with an odd number of books grouped with decorative pieces, adding up to an odd number of total objects, make more attractive arrangements. Look again and count, I’ll wait…
The even-numbered displays tend to look more boxy and bland, right? If the overall shape of your display looks triangular, not square, it will be eye-catching. This is what designers call a visual triangle. Can you see the right triangle formed by the jug, stack of books, and bowl? (Sorry to make you use geometry there!)
Arrange items of varying height to create a visual triangle on a single shelf. To help achieve this illusion, use stacks of books, candle holders, or pedestals to raise smaller decorative pieces, when needed. Plate holders work well to give picture frames additional height. There are endless ways to arrange decor to achieve this eye-catching trick.