Storage Solutions for Every Room in Your Home

Good storage systems are a must when decluttering and organizing your home. It’s important to choose organizing materials that make it easy to maintain order. There’s an abundance of options out there, and deciding which is the proper container for the job can be downright overwhelming. Although every organizing project is unique, there are some general guidelines everyone can follow when it comes to choosing bins or baskets. Let me take you room by room and show you my favorite products for nearly any organizing job in your house.




Items stored within a panty, cabinet, or even refrigerator should be stored in a clear container. Everything remains visible—there’s no rummaging to find what you’re looking for, it’s easy to manage your supply, and there’s little need for additional labeling. The slim, straight edge design of these containers allows more bins to fit on a single shelf, maximizing your storage space. They also offer a flat surface for the contents to sit on, preventing items from toppling over. But, in case of a spill, they are easy to clean, making them an excellent choice for foods and liquids.

Bamboo drawer organizers, drawer dividers, and turntables typically blend in with the existing interior of drawers and cabinets giving your kitchen a high-end, custom look.

Turntable organizers are a great way to store spices, oils, condiments, vitamins, and daily medication. The rotating design makes it simple to find what you need.




It can be difficult to find storage space within the family room. Open shelves and tabletop surfaces can quickly get messy. Baskets keep the space looking tidy by concealing visual clutter. Choose decorative baskets or bins that fit in with the style of the room. With so many baskets to choose from, you’re bound to find something that fits in with your space, adding to the style of your home.

Large decorative baskets, fabric bins, and storage ottomans work well for storing items like blankets and toys.

Small baskets placed on family room surfaces or open shelving conceal frequently used items that you want hidden from plain sight, like remotes and phone chargers.




I store all documents and paperwork within binders instead of filing cabinets—reducing the amount of storage space needed. If you’d like to read more about my home office organization system, you can check out that post here.

Use a bin, basket, or paper tray to collect incoming paperwork that you’re unable to deal with immediately. Drawer organizers keep frequently used office supplies tidy and off of your work surface. Don’t overstuff your desk drawers with supplies, use small bins to contain extras and less frequently used items within a cabinet or closet.




Bathroom cabinets and drawers house a wide variety of products. Organization supplies make it much easier to maintain order and cleanliness. I like clear plastic or acrylic bins for storing extra toiletries, medication, and first aid items. Clear bins make it easy to find the items you need.


Utilize drawer organizers to keep items like make-up and skin care products organized and easy to find. Plastic or acrylic organizers are easy to keep clean and sanitized—a plus for items stored in the bathroom. For items not contained within organizers, drawer liners allow spills to easily be wiped up.




Use matching bins or baskets to store accessories—like purses and scarves—and out-of-season items. To help maintain a decluttered closet, keep a bin for collecting clothing that you decide to donate or sell. Bins keep less frequently used items— like beach towels and extra linens—neatly folded and contained until needed.




Keep kids’ spaces tidy with bookcases, built-ins, or cube storage units. Use the open shelving to store books and baskets containing small toys.

Large baskets or storage ottomans work well to contain larger toys and keep clutter off the floor.

Choose furniture and storage pieces that fit in with the style of your home—avoid brightly colored toy bins—so that the space can easily adapt as your children get older.




In storage areas, I recommend bins for everything—even my paint cans are stored within a bin. Having everything contained gives your storage area a clean, uniform look. Clear bins make it easier to assess belongings, while opaque bins will give your space a more tidy appearance.

Most storage bins are designed for stacking, but shelving will give you the most accessibility. Simple tutorials are available online for creating custom shelving to best fit your space and organizing materials, but you can also purchase prefabricated shelving units for the job.




Chalk markers are great for labeling bins. It easily wipes clean with a damp cloth.


The P-touch Label Maker allows you to easily create custom printed labels from your phone.


Use Museum Putty to keep drawer organizers from shifting out of place.


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