5 Simple Chores To Do Every Day...
/…To Help You Feel Like You Have Your Life Together
Staying on top of housework can seem daunting. There is always so much to do, and when you only have a few minutes to devote to chores each day, it’s hard to know where to begin. Should I empty the dishwasher? Should I dust the bedroom? I really need to mop the kitchen floor. By the time that you decide which task to tackle, you’re already exhausted.
I’ve put together a short list of things that you can do every day to help you avoid decision fatigue, keep your mess to a minimum, and feel like you have your life together.
1. Make the beds
This job takes less than five minutes, but it has an enormous impact on the appearance of your bedrooms. Making the bed can transform your space from a disorderly mess to a peaceful escape.
Plus, you get to start off your day with a sense of accomplishment! Crossing this item off of your “to-do” list will allow you to be one step closer to feeling like you have your life together, and it will likely motivate you to take on larger tasks.
2. Pick up shoes
If you have a dog, this one seems obvious. Even if you don’t have a furry friend, picking up the shoes can make a tremendous difference in your home’s tidiness. The entryway is the first part of the house that you see once you enter. Now, imagine opening your door to a clean rug, instead of a mountain of shoes. You will instantly feel better!
Be sure to check out my Entryway Storage Solutions... for Shoes blog post for more tips on keeping shoes off the floor.
3. Complete a load of laundry
Most people plan to do the laundry on Sundays in order to have all of their clothes clean for the upcoming week. In reality, this plan doesn’t usually work out. The weekends become filled with errands, relaxation, and quality time with family and friends. Who wants to do laundry when you can go for a bike ride, watch your favorite show, or eat dinner with your friends?
If you do one load of laundry each day, this job becomes more manageable. Your hamper doesn’t start to overflow, and your drawers stay stocked. Doing laundry every day will definitely help you feel like you have your life together.
***I know it's tempting to restart the dryer 37 times to avoid having to actually fold the laundry and put it away, but don't fall into the trap! To make this feel like less of a chore, try chatting on the phone or listening to an audiobook or podcast while you work. Prefer music? Check out The Spruced Home's Cleaning + Organizing Playlist on Spotify.***
4. Do the dishes
Dirty dishes might just be the most persistent and demanding of any household chore. I'd rather not admit to the number of times I've served the kids cereal in a pyrex bowl because all of the bowls are dirty. There have been times I ordered dinner out just to avoid having to wash plates for the third time that day.
Try to be proactive and stay on top of the dishes. If you have a dishwasher, load and run it before bed. If you don’t have a dishwasher, wash the dishes and let them air-dry overnight. There’s a chance that you’ll regret that late-night bowl of cookie dough ice cream, but you won’t regret waking up to a clean sink.
5. Keep counters clean
This job might seem unimportant… until you actually start wiping things down. Then, you begin to discover the salad dressing spills that were camouflaged by your granite countertops or the crumbs that were hidden behind the coffeemaker.
Before bed, wipe down your countertops. You’ll wake up to a fresh, clean kitchen, and you’ll be more likely to enjoy a stress-free morning.