Time Management for the Overwhelmed

Time Management for the Overwhelmed

Do you ever feel like there’s too much to do? Like you’re being pulled in a million different directions? There are days when I am overwhelmed by the tasks on my to-do list, the kids are constantly demanding attention, toys are scattered on the floor, and quite frankly, I feel I’m loosing my mind. It doesn’t really matter what stage of life you’re in, the feeling of being spread too thin, not having enough time, and being stressed out—affects EVERYONE. Life is hectic. You’ll need more than just organizing skills to feel like you’ve got a handle on things. Being a bit of a perfectionist means that I struggle with the realities of being a work-at-home mom. But, being minimalistic and organized also means when the chaos of life starts to weigh me down, it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to feel in control again. Here are my tips to better manage your time and overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed.

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7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist

7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist

Minimalism helps create balance and contentment in our lives. It’s recognizing the things that mean the most to you—spending more time with family, enjoying a hobby, traveling more, excelling in your career—then, making decisions with the intent to create time for each of your priorities. Here are my 7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist. I hope this inspires you to make the simple changes to achieve more calm, purpose, and happiness in your life.

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Minimalism: Misconceptions vs. Reality

Minimalism: Misconceptions vs. Reality

Minimalism is ‘in’ these days, but what does it really mean to be a minimalist? There’s an abundance of information out there and you may have some preconceived notions about what it means to proclaim yourself a minimalist. I’m breaking down some common misconceptions. So if you’re a skeptic or you just don’t get what minimalism is all about, hang around—I think I can set the record straight...

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Mom’s Survival Guide for the End of the School Year

Mom’s Survival Guide for the End of the School Year

The end of the school year is here. It’s time for graduation parties, BBQs, summer camps, and family vacations. We’re busy trying to keep up with every event and our minds are whirling with last minute reminders—buy a gift for the teacher, sign up for soccer camp, pick up the graduation gown, turn in registration forms, wash the baseball uniform. Our schedules are full and the weight on our minds is immense. Let’s all take a deep breath, get organized around our thoughts and chores, and recapture the joys of a childhood summer.

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