Top 10 Things to Listen to While You Clean and Organize

Top 10 Things to Listen to While You Clean and Organize

Cleaning and organizing aren’t always fun. It can be easy to get distracted before completing your “to do” list. With the right resources and some headphones, household chores can feel a lot less like work.

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Gift Ideas that Won’t Become Clutter

Gift Ideas that Won’t Become Clutter

Buying gifts can be downright stressful. It often feels like just another chore to check off the list rather than an act of generosity. The trend of minimalism adds a whole new level of anxiety to holiday gift-giving. With so many people decluttering and more carefully considering the items being brought into their homes, the pressure is on when it comes to choosing the perfect gift—a gift that is thoughtful, useful, and appreciated, while not contributing to household clutter. 

I’ve compiled a list of gift ideas for everyone on your list... gifts that are guaranteed to keep the clutter away.

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Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Do you feel like toys taking over your house? If you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of toys in your home, there’s a good chance your kids aren’t reaping the benefit of all those toys either. We tend to think the more toys kids have, the more things there are for them to do and the more entertained they will be, but what amount of toys is enough? The answer may surprise you…

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How to Organize Jewelry

How to Organize Jewelry

Have you ever struggled to find two matching earrings? Have you ever decided against wearing a necklace because it was tangled with another, and you didn’t have the time to unknot the pieces? A little jewelry can turn into a big mess, and most of us have more than just a little…

We accumulate quite a bit of jewelry over the course of our lives. Think of all the Valentine’s Day and anniversary pieces you’ve received, all the items you’re still hanging onto from when you were a teen, and the jewelry that’s been passed down from previous generations. Because more often than not jewelry has a sentimental tie, it can be difficult to let go. Even the pieces that you have no intention of wearing take up storage space and make it a challenge to keep the items you do regularly wear organized.

By organizing your jewelry, you’ll be able to see each piece you own, and you’ll be more likely to actually wear it.

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7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist

7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist

Minimalism helps create balance and contentment in our lives. It’s recognizing the things that mean the most to you—spending more time with family, enjoying a hobby, traveling more, excelling in your career—then, making decisions with the intent to create time for each of your priorities. Here are my 7 Steps to Becoming a Minimalist. I hope this inspires you to make the simple changes to achieve more calm, purpose, and happiness in your life.

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Minimalism: Misconceptions vs. Reality

Minimalism: Misconceptions vs. Reality

Minimalism is ‘in’ these days, but what does it really mean to be a minimalist? There’s an abundance of information out there and you may have some preconceived notions about what it means to proclaim yourself a minimalist. I’m breaking down some common misconceptions. So if you’re a skeptic or you just don’t get what minimalism is all about, hang around—I think I can set the record straight...

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3 Things To Do Before Listing Your House

3 Things To Do Before Listing Your House

Once you’ve decided to move, the goal is to sell your home quickly and for top dollar. To ensure this happens, you’ll want to do some prep work before putting your current house on the market. Declutter, depersonalize, and stage your home to help potential buyers easily envision themselves living in your house. The whole process of moving is overwhelming, so I’m breaking down the steps you’ll need to take to prepare your home and make packing and moving as stress-free as possible.

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55 Things to Declutter (…that you won’t even miss!)

55 Things to Declutter (…that you won’t even miss!)

When it comes to organizing your home, it can be hard to know where to start. The first step of any organizing project is purging and decluttering. The less stuff you have, the less stuff there is to organize. The concept is simple, but the process can be a little overwhelming. I’ve gone room by room and compiled a list of 55 things to declutter from your home—that you won’t even miss. If you’re having trouble getting started, or have lost your motivation, this is a great way to kick your organization back into gear.

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A Guide for Decluttering Beauty Products

A Guide for Decluttering Beauty Products

Are your bathroom cabinets and drawers filled to the brim? Are bottles toppling over? Do you even know what you have on hand? It’s so easy to accumulate bath and beauty products. You bring home the travel-sized bottles from the last hotel you visited, you pick up a new nail color from time to time, you get free samples with each visit to the beauty counter. All these items pile up and cause frustration and overwhelm when it comes time to get ready. Your morning routine should be simple. Instead, you’re sifting through a whole bunch of products you don’t use to find the ones that make you feel great. It’s time to eliminate the unwanted products and clutter. Follow this guide to get your bathroom clutter free and take some of the work out of getting ready.

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