3 Tips for Storing Seasonal Decor

3 Tips for Storing Seasonal Decor

It’s time to trim the tree and deck the halls! Have you been battling your storage area in search of all the Christmas decorations? Shuffling boxes to get to what you need? Sifting through decorative pieces to find the ones you use? Here are my tips for simplifying seasonal decor storage.

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How to Organize Gift Wrap

How to Organize Gift Wrap

The decorations are up, the gifts are purchased, it’s time to start wrapping! Gift wrapping supplies can be tricky to keep well organized. Are you tired of tattered and torn wrapping paper? Tired of never knowing if you have tissue paper for this, or a bag for that? I was, too! With 28 nieces and nephews, I do my fair share of gift wrapping. I had ‘wrapping paper organizer’ on my Christmas list for years and I’m pretty sure my husband thought I was kidding, because I never did receive one. Well, I managed to find my own solution! In this post, I’ll share some of my favorite ways to get the wrapping supplies organized.

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Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Fewer Toys, Happier Families

Do you feel like toys taking over your house? If you find yourself overwhelmed by the number of toys in your home, there’s a good chance your kids aren’t reaping the benefit of all those toys either. We tend to think the more toys kids have, the more things there are for them to do and the more entertained they will be, but what amount of toys is enough? The answer may surprise you…

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Storage Room Organization

Storage Room Organization

It’s a struggle to maintain order in storage areas. It’s easy to unload items, walk away, and forget about the mess left behind. Storage areas are where you shove items you no longer use, where you store items you have guilt about getting rid of, and where you put items too large to easily throw out with the garbage. Out of sight, out of mind… until you actually need to find something…

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5 Simple Chores To Do Every Day...

5 Simple Chores To Do Every Day...

Staying on top of housework can seem daunting. There is always so much to do, and when you only have a few minutes to devote to chores each day, it’s hard to know where to begin. I’ve put together a short list of things you can do every day to help you keep your mess to a minimum and feel like you have your life together.

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When to Wash... Your Guide for Completing Household Laundry

When to Wash... Your Guide for Completing Household Laundry

When it comes to doing laundry, it’s a given that items like socks and underwear need washed after every use. But, there are loads of fabrics around your house that don’t get tossed in the wash at the end of the day. How do you distinguish when to wash curtains, comforters, bath mats, pillows, mattress pads, and the like? Here’s my guide for when and how to clean all your household fabrics.

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How to Simplify Your Cleaning Routine

How to Simplify Your Cleaning Routine

Are bottles of cleaners cluttering up your cabinets and shelves? Are you annoyed with how frequently you have to shop for household cleaning products? Would you like to simplify your cleaning routine? You can eliminate nearly all of the cleaning products in your home—and still have a clean house. There is an alternative that will save you time, money, and storage space! You’ve probably heard of microfiber cleaning cloths, perhaps you were invited to a party where someone was selling them, maybe you even own one or two. Here’s why you should be using microfiber cloths instead of traditional cleaners—and no, I’m not a rep for a microfiber company, I’m here to help you find ways to simplify your life!

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Storage Solutions for Every Room in Your Home

Storage Solutions for Every Room in Your Home

Good storage systems are a must when decluttering and organizing your home. It’s important to choose organizing materials that make it easy to maintain order. There’s an abundance of options out there, and it can be downright overwhelming deciding which is the proper container for the job. Although every organizing project is unique, there are some general guidelines everyone can follow when it comes to choosing bins or baskets. Let me take you room by room and show you my favorite products for nearly any organizing job in your house.

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Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring is in the air… get the whole family involved and use this time to deep clean the areas of our homes that are typically overlooked. The change of seasons makes an ideal time to clear out dust and clutter and reset your home for the warmer weather to come. Spring cleaning is more than your typical week-to-week maintenance cleaning so it can be hard to know where to start. I’ve created a Spring Cleaning Checklist—available for download—and will share tips for getting all the items checked off your list.

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How to Organize Your Garage

How to Organize Your Garage

Are you parking in the driveway or street because clutter has taken over your garage? If you find yourself frustrated with the mess and chaos, it’s time to get organized and reclaim those parking spots. When it comes to garage organization everyone’s needs are going to be a little different—maybe you have a preschooler and the sidewalk chalk and bubbles have taken over, maybe you’re having trouble corralling all the sports equipment needed by your young athlete, or maybe you enjoy DIY projects and need more space for tools and supplies. I’ll show you how to maximize your storage space while keeping those frequently used items within reach. Let’s implement an organizational system that will get your garage in order and be simple to maintain.

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How to Organize Paperwork

How to Organize Paperwork

Six days a week we are given a mailbox full of paper. Five days a week you may have kids handing you graded assignments, permission slips, or classroom schedules. It’s easy to just keeping throwing these documents in a pile to deal with later, but you’re left with a mess of paperwork on the kitchen counter, on the desk in your home office, or on the table in the foyer. All those papers add up fast, and it can be difficult to take the time to sort it out and clear the paper clutter laying around your home. Here’s what you can do…

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Time Management for the Overwhelmed

Time Management for the Overwhelmed

Do you ever feel like there’s too much to do? Like you’re being pulled in a million different directions? There are days when I am overwhelmed by the tasks on my to-do list, the kids are constantly demanding attention, toys are scattered on the floor, and quite frankly, I feel I’m loosing my mind. It doesn’t really matter what stage of life you’re in, the feeling of being spread too thin, not having enough time, and being stressed out—affects EVERYONE. Life is hectic. You’ll need more than just organizing skills to feel like you’ve got a handle on things. Being a bit of a perfectionist means that I struggle with the realities of being a work-at-home mom. But, being minimalistic and organized also means when the chaos of life starts to weigh me down, it doesn’t take a whole lot of effort to feel in control again. Here are my tips to better manage your time and overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed.

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5 Kitchen Organizing Essentials

5 Kitchen Organizing Essentials

With so many organizing products out there, how do you know which are worth purchasing? The kitchen is a great place to invest in organizing materials, but they aren’t all created equal. Many organizing products just don’t provide enough function and order. Here are my top five essential items for getting any kitchen organized.

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